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Friday 8 April 2011


On the 4th of April we left Haarlem, the farewell flowers from our Australian friends we got to know this winter, are still in bloom,  and we were cheered out by an enthusiastic committee.

We have enjoyed our stay in Haarlem very much and are happy to know that we are coming back next winter.
After six months in the city it is wonderful to be back in nature and wake up in the morning with the sound od birds.

Although not so much in the, absolutely idyllic mooring that we had on the first day on the Kagerplassen. Opposite 't Majeur they were working with piles of the jetties to renew them, it seemed like they were playing mikado.

Since Tuesday and Wednesday the weather was not good so we stayed there.
Thursday we left and also decided on the first deviation from the planned route, we are now in Katwijk on the Sea.  It was a last minute change, just because we both have never been there.
It is great fun to lie almost at sea, between us and the sea is just this huge dam and the beach.

Luckely for us it is not yet tourist season because already now it is noticeable that here the summer is full and than in the village you can probably walk over the heads. Although now closed of from the sea in 1953 (there are wild plans to create a seaport again) you can see all over the place that once it was a thriving fishing village.
We do wonder about the way they are counting (see photo).

Probably we will stay here until after the weekend and then go to Rotterdam.

We took of on a good start and look forward to the rest of our journey. We will keep you posted on this blog and hope to see youre reactions

1 comment:

  1. I shall be looking in from time to time, for as always I am interested in your travels. With regards to the number of the post - suggest that perhaps they started the count at the other end ? :)
